Finding Higher Returns: Exploring Alternative Investments for Active Traders

Alternative investments, a class of financial assets that do not fall into the traditional categories of stocks, bonds, or cash, offer unique opportunities to diversify one’s portfolio. In a global financial environment marked by complexity and volatility, alternative investments can provide additional avenues for improving returns, hedging against market risks, and reaching long-term financial goals.

While there’s an array of alternative investments available for active traders, they are typically grouped into four categories: real estate, private equity, hedge funds, and tangible assets. In this article, we will explore each of these categories, their benefits, and considerations for traders keen on widening their investment horizons.

Real Estate

Investments in real estate entail purchasing properties for either rental income or capital appreciation. Reits or real estate investment trusts make real estate investment accessible for individual traders. They pool together money from multiple investors to buy, manage, sell property and pay dividends to shareholders. Strong rental markets and low-interest rates make real estate an attractive option for active traders. However, potential investors should also consider the inherent illiquidity and high maintenance costs associated with this asset class.

Private Equity

Private equity involves investing in non-publicly traded companies. Usually facilitated through private equity firms, these investments can offer significantly higher returns than more conventional public equity markets. However, they also come with a higher degree of risk and generally require significant capital investments. It’s crucial to thoroughly assess a company’s financial health and growth prospects before investing.

Hedge Funds

Hedge funds are investment funds that use pooled funds and advanced investment strategies, like leveraged, long, short, and derivative positions in both domestic and international markets with the goal of generating high returns. These funds can generate profits in both rising and falling markets, making them a popular choice among active traders. Note that hedge funds are often open only to accredited investors due to their riskiness and complexity.

Tangible Assets

Tangible assets include physical items like precious metals, artworks, collectibles, and commodities. The appeal of these investments generally lies in their potential for high returns and their function as a hedge against inflation. Nevertheless, investing in tangible assets requires expert knowledge, and verification of authenticity can be challenging.


Diversifying into alternative investments can prove rewarding for active traders willing to explore beyond traditional stock and bond markets. However, it’s important to bear in mind that while these investments can offer higher returns, they also come with higher risk levels. Researching each investment thoroughly, understanding their unique characteristics and potential risks, and perhaps most importantly, seeking professional advice, can help traders navigate this complex investment landscape successfully.

You may be an active trader looking to maximize returns or a long-term investor seeking diversification; either way, factoring in alternative investments may well be worth considering. The key is finding investments that not only align with your financial goals but also complement your risk tolerance and investment horizon. In a rapidly evolving global economy, staying open to new possibilities could be your ticket to investment success.

Whether you’re an active trader developing sophisticated investment strategies or a novice investor looking to diversify, alternative investments can offer exciting prospects on the path to achieving your financial objectives. However, it’s critical to undertake thorough due diligence and, where possible, engage with financial advisors to fully understand the potential risks and rewards.